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Solution Manual for Managerial Economics 16/E Bentzen


Solution Manual for Managerial Economics, 16th Edition, Eric Bentzen, Carsten Scheibye, Mark Hirschey, ISBN-10: 1473778956, ISBN-13: 9781473778955


Solution Manual for Managerial Economics 16/E Bentzen

Solution Manual for Managerial Economics, 16th Edition, Eric Bentzen, Carsten Scheibye, Mark Hirschey, ISBN-10: 1473778956, ISBN-13: 9781473778955

Table of Contents

Part I. Overview of Managerial Economics
1. Nature and Scope of Managerial Economics
2. Economic Optimization
3. Demand and Supply

Part II. Demand Analysis and Estimation
4. Demand Analysis
5. Demand Estimation
6. Forecasting

Part III. Production and Competitive Markets
7. Production Analysis
8. Cost Analysis and Estimation
9. Linear Programming
10. Competitive Markets
11. Performance and Strategy in Competitive Markets

Part IV. Imperfect Competition
12. Monopoly and Monopsony
13. Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly
14. Game Theory and Competitive Strategy
15. Pricing Practices

Part V. Long-Term Investment Decisions
16. Risk Analysis
17. Capital Budgeting
18. Organization Structure and Corporate Governance
19. Government in the Market Economy