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Test Bank for Managerial Accounting 18/E Garrison


Test Bank for Managerial Accounting, 18th Edition, Ray Garrison, Eric Noreen, Peter Brewer, ISBN10: 1266634509, ISBN13: 9781266634505


Test Bank for Managerial Accounting 18/E Garrison

Test Bank for Managerial Accounting, 18th Edition, Ray Garrison, Eric Noreen, Peter Brewer, ISBN10: 1266634509, ISBN13: 9781266634505

Table of Contents

Prologue:Managerial Accounting: An Overview

ChapterOne: Managerial Accounting and Cost Concepts

ChapterTwo: Job-Order Costing: Calculating Unit Product Costs

ChapterThree: Job-Order Costing: Cost Flows and External Reporting

ChapterFour: Process Costing

ChapterFive: Cost-Volume-Profit Relationships

ChapterSix: Variable Costing and Segment Reporting: Tools for Management

ChapterSeven: Activity-Based Costing: A Tool to Aid Decision Making

ChapterEight: Master Budgeting

ChapterNine: Flexible Budgets and Performance Analysis

ChapterTen: Standard Costs and Variances

ChapterEleven: Responsibility Accounting Systems

ChapterTwelve: Strategic Performance Measurement

ChapterThirteen: Differential Analysis: The Key to Decision Making

ChapterFourteen: Capital Budgeting Decisions

ChapterFifteen: Statement of Cash Flows

ChapterSixteen: Financial Statement Analysis

Integration Exercises: An Overview